Mon petit chouchou in english 158205-Mon petit translation
French to English translation results for 'mon petit chouchou' designed for tablets and mobile devices Possible languages include English, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, and Swedish You can also say mon petit, and leave off the chou When I lived in France many years ago as a young married woman, my much older landlady often called me mon petit, short for mon petit chou She was feeling maternal, because my husband was waaaaaay across the English Channel, doing graduate studies in EnglandAnswer (1 of 8) All previous answers provided are correct This is a term of endearment primarily meant for children but which use is expanded to include those you want to express genuine affection to "Mon chou", "mon petit chou", literally "my cream puff", "my little Flora Mon Petit Voisin Bastien C Est Mon Chouchou Mon petit translation